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Orcas Love Raingardens Volunteering for Ear Earth Day

As the days grow longer and warmer, it’s time to head back out into the gardens. If you want to get your hands in the soil and help out Tacoma Public Schools, join the Orcas Love Raingardens program on April 24th to celebrate Earth Day and give back to our community.

We anticipate being in Phase 3 by the time we host these work parties. For these events, we plan to keep volunteer groups to no more than fifteen people. All work will be performed outside (which also means to restrooms on site), and volunteers will be required to wear a face covering (even if vaccinated) and maintain physical distance from other volunteers. We also ask volunteers to bring their own gloves and encourage you to bring your own tools (although if you need extras, reach out).

Can’t make it to an Earth Day event? Don’t worry! The Orcas Love Raingardens program is planning several other volunteer events during the month of June to celebrate Orca Month. I’ll be sending out additional information for those volunteer opportunities. If you’re part of a work team or organization that would like to set up a volunteer shift for your group, let me know. We’re happy to work with you to set up a team-building volunteer day this summer!