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Insect IPM in Vegetable Gardens: Master Gardener Webinar

Join us for the April Master Gardener Webinar!

About the Presentation:
In this session, we will discuss applying Integrated Pest Management techniques to the home vegetable garden. Using Oregon’s most common vegetable pests as examples, we’ll focus on how understanding the insect’s life cycle and behaviors informs pest management decisions. We’ll also review resources that can be used to help address client questions regarding insect management in the vegetable garden.

About the Presenter:
Nicole Sanchez, Associate Professor of Practice, Horticulture
Klamath Basin Research & Extension Center

Born and raised in Virginia, Nicole has been a gardener since childhood, when she followed her grandfather around the garden pestering him with endless questions. She began her horticulture career in the retail florist and garden center arena, then went on to study horticulture and entomology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (bachelor’s 2000, master’s 2002). After college she worked for 10 years in botanical gardens, first at the large and established Callaway Gardens (Pine Mountain, GA), then as the keystone employee of the Columbus (GA) Botanical Garden, a then- new garden with no employees and almost no budget. At North Carolina State University she served as a crop consultant for fruit and vegetable growers in eastern NC for five years. She’s been at Oregon State University’s Klamath Basin Research & Extension Center since July 2016 as a professor of practice, working with both commercial and home horticulture programs as well as a variety of insect- related projects. Outside work, Nicole’s interests include quilting, reading, writing poetry, and exploring nature. Nicole has entered many quilts in competitions, and both published and performed her poetry, some of which includes significant horticultural content. She raises chickens and dairy goats with her son, 16, and daughter, 13.

This online webinar will take place on zoom. Please register for the zoom link. A recording of the webinar will be available on the Lane County Master Gardener YouTube channel within one week of the live zoom.

Photo: Chris Branam, OSU